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Gargunnock Cricket (1983-2008)

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 16th July, 2008,
to Fred Helf's 1906 music to
"Ain't You Coming Back To Old New Hampshire, Molly?"

Gaen back tae veesit braw Gargunnock,
Ah'll see fem'ly an ma cricket freens as weel;
Ma mates wull speir,
"Fit like 'old chap'?
Tak aff yir cap,
Come ben, we'll chat;
Syne, we'll be gaen tae denner ower at 'Molly's',
Far we'll toast oor club noo twinty-five years auld;
Gin there isnae reyn the morn tae spile the pairty,
We'll chase 'rins' wi bat and ball.
We are gled thit ye've fleed ow'r tae bonnie Scotland
Tae mynd aa the years o' guid sport thit we've hid;
O' 'ins' an 'oots',
An 'hit' an 'miss',
We'll reminisce,
Thon's aye sich bliss;
Sae, let's noo ging an blether ower at 'Molly's',
Far we'll toast oor club noo twinty-five years auld;
Gin there isnae reyn the morn tae spile the pairty,
We'll chase 'rins' wi bat and ball."

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