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Summer Drought

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 9th of July, 2008
to Warren's music for 'Old Man Sunshine'.

We're short of water;
The weather's getting hotter,
So we thirst and sweat long hours each day.

Though nights are cooler,
Our water tank's no fuller,
And not a sign of rain upon its way;

Of course some folks did foresee this,
And dug wells deep down,
Tapping the streamlets that flow underground.

So their gardens when inspected,
Are not like ours neglected,
And their toilets are the sweetest to be found.


The sol-u-tion ?
To allow us more ablution
When winter snow and rain so feebly show'r ....

Could bring us all salvation
With plants well built to run on solar power.

Meantime we all must go on suff'ring
From thirst and spirits low,
Tholing the hazard - lack of H20;

Till God's own hand with lots of loving
Give a few white clouds some shoving,
And they spill out rain, then sleet, then snow!

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