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Roon A Reek-Free Ingle

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 18th May, 2008 to a bit of a jig played by Angus Fitchet's Band

We're cosy roon a bricht reek-free ingle
Aye couthy an canty we're aye ane an aa
An we're blethersome whan we are thegither
Till we hiv tae pairt an ging hine-awa

We aa ken hoo tae kick ow'r the theaties
Ay ken affa weel hoo tae let oor hair doon
We're teeps o' chiels wha git muckle pleesure
Whan quaffin guid ale wi oor freens an kin

Sich freenships are waarm roon a braw reek-free ingle
Guid neebors sae canty we're aye ane an aa
We're ivver licht hairted whan jawin thegither
Till we hiv tae pairt an ging hine-awa

Sich freenships they caa us tae share a wee drappie
Sich freenships they kep aa oor speerits oan hich
Tho' bleed-kin we ken shid be thicker nor waater
A fyow drams o naftie mak nichts fu o licht

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