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Belmont Camp - Meigle (1947)

This is a tribute to Mr John Dewar, long time camp manager,
who, among many other things, led the nightly sing-song in his own inimitable manner.
Because he has forgotten the lyrics written by Mr Dewar to Anton Rubenstein's 'Melody in F' back then,
John Henderson, has written new ones with a grateful heart, on 22nd April, 2008.

We're here now, you're here now, all now at camp;
We'll have a great stay
In class and at play;
We'll trek here, we'll trek there, all round the woodlands
Of good old Belmont Camp.

At night our sing-songs will loudly fill the air;
Bed-time will come and we'll sleep so soundly there;
The meals that we take -
The friends that we make
Will make it a fortnight that no one will ever forget.

So Belmont, dear Belmont, such a grand camp,
Up here near Meigle,
Your touch is regal;
Together, all weathers, we'll eat, sleep and play
At happy Belmont Camp.

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