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A Hunner Years This Third o' Mairch

Lyrics composed by JNK's son, John Henderson, for the 3rd of March, 2008,
to Joseph E. Howard's music for the song, 'If All Moons Were Honeymoons'.

Introductory Music

Och 'JNK' the Dominie tae mony bairns an me
Fae nineteen twinty-nine we ken richt throw till seev'nty three,
Yer licht wis sheenin bricht oan us fae fit we lerned ilk day,
Fae ye thit ivver daen oor best wis aye the wycest way. ......

Gin aa the fowks fa teach in schules,
Wur lik ye, tentit aye lik ye,
Syne aa oor lives wid less fash see
Fae wars' misery.
Gin aa the fowks fa teach in schules,
Gied lik ye, veesion shawed lik ye,
Syne aa oor lives wid mair joy see,
An peace oan Gweed's airth there'd be.

Ay gin aa fowks fa teach in schules,
Wur lik ye, tentit aye lik ye,
Syne aa oor lives wid less fash see
Fae wars' misery.
Gin aa the fowks fa teach in schules
Gied lik ye, veesion shawed lik ye,
Syne aa oor lives wid mair joy see,
An peace oan Gweed's airth there'd be.

Ye wur a lad o' pairts lang syne, yer moyen mony kent;
As thochtfu as there's ivver been mang men the Lord his sent.
A hunner years this Third o' Mairch fae fan ye wur twin-birthed,
Yer life here we wull celebrate as ain o' coontless wirth. .....

Ay gin aa fowks fa teach thase days
Wur lik ye, tentit aye lik ye,
Syne aa oor lives wid less fash see
Fae wars' misery.
Gin aa the fowks fa teach thase days
Gied lik ye, veesion shawed lik ye,
Syne aa oor lives wid mair joy see,
An peace oan Gweed's airth there'd be.

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