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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 17th February, 2008
as inspired by Edna Jones Martin's poem, 'Patchwork'. (see below)

Ah thenk Gweed fur mem'ries thit mak me feel guid,
Lik floorishin flooers, Ah've growed up frae sid;
Syne freens roon ma ingle, the byler oan sang,
An easedom frae wid's het an tang.

Ay, thegither wi sae mony ithers,
Aa sich mem'ries jyne up lik a quilt
Thit brichtens the oors o elyers lik me,
Wha's gettin bit dool and dylt.
There's the croose soonds o granbairnies' gurgles,
An the chirms o blythe lavrocks thit eik ......
Tae the meesic thit aye lufts ma speerits an shoos
Ma patchwirk quilt steek bi steek.

Ay thegither wi sae mony ithers,
Aa sich mem'ries jyne up lik a quilt
Thit brichtens the oors o elyers lik me,
Wha's gettin bit dool and dylt.
Gin the day comes Ah'm bedridden maist affen,
'Cos the strenth his gaen oot o my banes,
Syne thon memories' quilt wull shair tent tae ma ulls
Wi waarmin thit nivver wanes.


by Edna Jones Martin (USA)
From 'Good Housekeeping', November, 1938

Life's moments might become a quilt at that,
If one would piece them, fitting as they will
While kettles boil, when neighbors sit and chat,
Of reading by the fire on evenings chill.

Oh, blessed simple things that make life sweet-
Those daisies growing golden in the sun,
A baby's gurgle playing with his feet,
Or someone's eager step when day is done.

The flash of wings outside an open door,
Life's colored moments, prismlike they seem,
If one could piece them - comforts, laid in store
For bleaker warm us while we dream!

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