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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 15th December, 2005,
to Andy Klapwyk's music midi called, 'Visions'.

You're enticing me, Lorelei.
Your calls so enthral, Lorelei.
Oh to be with you, Lorelei,
Far above these rocks on high.

I'll steer a course over to you, Lorelei.
Sail my ship close by, Lorelei.
There to fly to you, Lorelei,
Far above these rocks on high.

Oh, come sweet sailor, pledge your heart,
All your life, to me.
If it's so I swear that we'll both share in
Such a love that sets us free.


I'm coming at your call, Lorelei,
To clasp both hands with you, Lorelei.
Hold you in my arms, Lorelei,
Fondly on these cliffs so high.

Now nearly at these sheer cliffs, Lorelei.
Guide me safely in, Lorelei.
Past these sharp black rocks, Lorelei,
That so menacingly lie.

Come on sweet sailor through them all.
Sail your ship in near by.
When you do you will be there with me, so
Happily that you might just die!

I'm reaching from the bow, Lorelei,
To kiss you on the lips, Lorelei.
Then hold that sure embrace, Lorelei,
Until on these rocks we'll lie.

But what noise is that I hear, Lorelei.
My ship's founder'd here, Lorelei.
I'm sinking fast from you, Lorelie,
But you said that I might die!

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