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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 29th January, 2008
to the tune to George Formby Jnr.'s song, 'I Wish I Was Back On the Farm'.

Introductory Music

I have a tall-tale to relate,
About Tom who said his tame-mice were great;
Being recognised mouse-icians, well-versed in pub traditions,
Forty pounds and he would make them a date.

The barman told the publican and he soon produced the cash,
But then said let's have a try-out before being over rash.
So Mick Mouse played piano rags and songs to sing-along,
And the pub filled up in minutes as he entertained the throng.
Forty pounds were paid out for the date
In this strangest of tales that I relate
About a magic mouse-ician, well-versed in pub tradition,
Who made all in the bar feel really great.

Then Tom he told the publican that his Minnie Mouse could sing;
Tomorrow he would bring her too and let her do her thing.
When Minnie led the chorusing the punters were amazed,
And in a trice Tom's pay-out was most acceptably appraised.
Eighty pounds were paid out for this date
In this strangest of tall-tales that I relate
About two magic mouse-icians so-well-versed in pub traditions
Who made all in the bar feel really great.

Some others in the function room asked if Minnie and slick Mick
Had a brother or a sister who might play the fiddle quick.
So next night they came hopefully all ready for a dance.
And brought their wives and sweethearts who not too often got such a chance.
Tom came in with a dismal looking face,
And said to all, "I'm a man in deep disgrace -
I have only one mouse-ician, there's no more talent you have missed
Except for, Mick - the great ventriloquist" !

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