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Cluck! Cluck! Ull Luck!

These lyrics, to Chet Atkins' 'Gallopin Guitar', composed by John Henderson
on the 28th October, 2007, parody W.D. Cocker's poem,
'Dinna Craw Ower Croose'.
[You can read the poem below, after the song]

(Brief Musical Introduction)

There aince wis an auld cock upoan oor midden,
Gey sweir wis he tae let his licht be hidden.
He crawed as lood's wid awauken the deid
Fegs naebody pey'd him the least bit o heed.
He syne teuk the strunts an bein gey insultit,
His leddy freen, a braw-lik hen, consultit.
Said she - "As seen as the low sin his arisen,
Ye're muckle looder nor mair nor ten!
Ye are croose upoan ma wird!
Ye're a kenspeckle bird!
Bit naebody taks note o ye ava;
For ilka cock come dawn can craw.
Bit gin craw ye through the nicht,
Fowks wull ken ye're there aa richt." -
That nicht the daft bird begued his crawin;
Syne neist day his wee neck wis thrawn!


Dinna Craw Ower Croose

by W.D. Cocker

There was a cock upon a midden,
Gey sweir to let his licht be hidden.
He crawed as lood's would wauk the deid,
But naebody pay'd ony heed.
He took the strunts, an', gey, insultit,
His leddy frien, a hen, consultit.
Said she - "As suin's the sun has risen,
Ye craw as lood as ony dizzen,
Sae croose, sae clear, upon my word
Ye are a maist kenspeckle bird.
But naebody taks note ava;
For ilka cock at morn can craw;
But craw ye in the deid o' nicht,
An' folk'll ken ye're there a' richt."
That nicht the cock begued to craw;
Neist day they gied its neck a thraw.
A fule, lang tholed, may be suppressed
A sune as he becomes a pest.

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