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Lemon Drizzle Cakes

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 25th October, 2007
to George H. Cohan's 'Give My Regards to Broadway'.

Here's a HELLO tae Justinhaugh,
An the twa of ye aye bidin there.
Pleese Mum bake alot mair lemon drizzle cakes,
For thase ye mak are rare!

Pleese pit them saff in the kist tae freeze,
An mind them oontill I git hame.
For as ye weel ken yer hauf-stairv'd loon
Wi'oot sich cake ne'er feels the same.

Pleese dinna alloo Dad sicht o them,
Or seen there'll be nane ava.
Ye micht lock the kist an hide the key,
An thit shid kep him weel awa.

Doon in the kist syne oot o sicht,
They shid bide saaf till I git there.
Aready ma tongue is hingin oot,
An itchin tae git ma fair share.

Aready ma tongue is hingin oot,
An itchin tae git ma fair share.

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