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Han-Me-Doon Memories

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 20th October, 2007
to a Charles H. Gabriel tune written in 1905 called 'The Sparrow'.

[Brief Introductory Music]

Fit wye tae screeve ma memoirs?
Fit wye aye tae ging on?
Fit wye shid I be ow'r ticht-lipped
Aboot maiters lang gone?
For mebee een day hereafter,
Ma bairns they micht jist hiv a wiss
Tae ken mair o' their faither,
An a fyow mem'ries o' his.
Ay ken mair aboot their faither,
An a fyow mem'ries o' his.
I'll screeve tae bide richt glegsome.
I'll screeve tae ken ma myn.
Syne howp tae gie some pleesure
An some wycedom tae ma kin.

I 'll syne spik o' ma bairnheid;
Happiness thit I aft fun.
I'll spik aboot ma youthheid
An the mony games we won.
I'll spik o' bein a student lad;
An the wirk thit I syne shair did.
An hint aboot ma daffin,
Wi lots quines thit wis sae guid.
An hint aboot ma muckle daffin,
Wi lots quines thit wis affa guid.
I'll screeve tae bide richt glegsome.
I'll screeve tae ken ma myn.
Syne howp tae gie some pleesure,
An wycedom tae ma kin.

I wull spik o' bein a fraachty faither,
A tentin graunfaither an aa.
I wull spik o' aa ma versin
An ma dogger'lin awa.
An mebee een day hereafter,
Ma bairns they micht sing tae ma teens,
An smile aboot the stories,
These tell aboot me an ma freens
E'en lacht aboot the stories,
Ilk tell aboot me an ma freens
I'll screeve tae bide richt glegsome.
I'll screeve tae ken ma ain myn.
Syne howp tae gie lots o' pleesure,
An sairin wycedom tae ma kin.

An some penance for aa ma sin!

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