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Scots Heilanders' Games

Lyrics composed by ex-pat. John Henderson on 19th October, 2007 to the playing of 'Span Flea'.

Gin I wis tae ging backlins aince mair,
It wid be hert stappin there,
Ma shoart-taits they wid curl,
An ma heid it wid birl
At THE Games ....
Oor Scots Heilanders Games
Wi lood bagpipes' dirls
Tae braw dince kilties' wil skirls,
Caber, haimmer an shot
As they're twirlin a lot,
Gien aa ..... sich muckle graun thrills.

Ay it wid mak, bleed rin fest in ma veins
Fyle bands merch stracht as they're play'n;
I'd hiv pride in ma kin thit wid tickle banes
There at the Games wi aa fowks sae feen daens.
Ay, gin I wis hame syne jist aince mair,
A widnae hiv ony tears tae spare
Wi ma flocht hert aa a-twirl an ma heid i a whirl,
At THE Games ....
Oor Scots Heilanders' Games

Ay it wid mak,
Bleed rin fest in ma veins
Fyle bands merch stracht as they're play'n
I'd hiv pride in ma kin thit wid tickle banes
There at the Games wi aa fowks sae feen daens
Gin I wis tae ging backlins aince mair,
It wid be hert stappin there,
Ma shoart-taits they wid curl,
An ma heid it wid birl
At THE Games ....
Oor Scots Heilanders' Games

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