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Ma Pianny

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 15th October, 2007
to a clever little ragtime tune composed by someone whose identity
has never been discovered.

Short Introduction

Cam awa ow'r tae ma ain wee hoose,
Whaur ma itmaist pleesure it wull be,
Tae shaw ma pianny,
Thit braw meesic gies tae me.
Gin ye dinna troo me,
Jist ye cam ow'r an see .....

Ma pianny aye poors oot the graun meesic o' by days;
Its honky-tonk makin' soons wi' sich unca thirlin', glamourie ease.
Nae pianny a've ivver hard maks rags tae soon sae weil;
An' a howp ye'll gree, an' syne fun lik me, yon maks ye a happy chiel.

Fan ma fingers rin acroass the keys an' tinkle oot a faist rag teen,
Ma pianny pirls tae sich slicht tycement thit it verra verra seen,
Is tonkin' oot teep o' soon thit a ken is hard abune,
Tae kep Gweed's sprichtly angels aye jimpin up an doon!

Cam noo intae ma wee hoose, an' rale affa graun it shair wull be,
Hearknin' tae ma pianny, an' the braw meesic it wull gie tae ye.
Seen ye're shair tae maun troo me, an' be gled tae bide loats oors,
Kittelt up wi sich winners ma honky-tonk ootpoors.

Ma pianny aye poors oot the graun meesic o' by days;
Its honky-tonk makin soons wi' sich unca thirlin', glamourie ease.
Nae pianny a've ivver hard maks rags tae soon sae weil;
A howp ye'll gree, an' syne fun lik me, yon maks ye a happy chiel.

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