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Fan Fashed .... When Stressed

[Lyrics by John best sung to the 1914 'hit' called 'An Old-Fashioned Town']

Short Introduction

Jist accep thit oan loats days ye'll be the wil doo,
Bit oan ithers ye'll be the heich wytin staitoo.
Aye kep teen in han an a' wirds douce an kine,
Fer ain day ye micht hae tae aet a' o' them syne.
An nivver pit baith feet in yer moo lik as ain,
Fer syne ye'll nae hae a pin tae stan oan.
Myn tho' in the warl ye are ainly ain wicht,
Ye'll howp belike the hale wardle tae be 'brithers' a'richt.

(And interpreted loosely in English ..... )

Just accept that on most days you'll be the wild doo, (pigeon)
But on others you'll be the high waiting statue.
And keep temper in hand and all words quiet and kind,
For one day you'll have to eat them all's what you will find.
And never put both feet into your big mouth there like as one,
For then you'll not have a leg to stand on.
And though in our world you may feel lonely or blue,
There is sure to be someone's world centred on you.

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