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Gaan Saft in The Heid?

Lyrics composed on 20th June, 2007, by John Henderson (aka Lyrics Dominie Jake)
to Dick Jurgens' 1940 music to "Day Dreams Come True At Night".

It's thocht, thit I am rhymin daft,
An ma heid's gaan, a wee bit saft!
Hoots maan! I dinna care ava!
I dae it aye, while the oors awa.

Dog-g'rels soond weel in rhyme,
Whan the makar's in braw tid.
Dog-g'rels by needcessity,
Shid mak, fowks feel, guid.
This micht be braigin, bit mony chiels,
Screeve thit they lik ma, meesical spiels,
Tae hum tae anse chirm, tae, lik ony bird
Wha kens whit's a halesome sid.


thocht=thought; heid=head; gaan=going; saft=soft;
Hoots is exclamatory; dinna=do not; ava=at all; awa=away;
dae=do; aye=forever; while=pass; oors=hours;
soond=sound; weel=well; whan=when; makar=poet;
braw=fine; tid=form; needcessity=necessity;
shid=should; mak=make; fowks=folks; guid=good;
micht=might; braigin=boasting; bit=but; mony=many; chiels=people
screeve=write; thit=that; lik=like; meesical=musical
speils=compositions; anse=or/else; chirm=sing;
ony=any; wha=who; kens=knows; whit=what;
halesome=healthy; sid=seed.

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