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A Blether an Niffer o Cheer

{A Cheery Chat}

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 19th May, 2007, to James Thornton's 1896 tune to 'My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon'.

Deep ma reets syne bide in Scotland A'm sae gled tae blaw,
An A affen stap tae wonner foo A gaed awa.
It's fair bonnie, ye maun ken it, jist as weel as me
Wi braw heilans, an douce laalands, kwintry o' the free.

Its hedder is aye a delicht,
Whan ivver it comes intae sicht.
Its fell lochans an bens, its quait muirlans an glens,
Fesh back loats youthheid picturs thit ilk ex-Pat. kens.
A ging back hame jist aince ilk year,
Tae veesit the lan A haud dear,
An faim'ly conneckit, 'sweel freens lang respeckit,
For a blether an niffer o cheer.

Whan A've been twa weeks in Scotland, ma banes syne git sair,
An the rizzon A migrated aince mair's verra clair.
Sci-at-ica, wi'oot het sin, sheets frae spine tae knee,
Sae ma hameland, ma cauld hameland, his tae set me free.

Its hedder wis aye a delicht,
Whan ivver it cam intae sicht.
Its fell lochans an bens, its quait muirlans an glens,
Feshed back loats youthheid picturs thit ilk ex-Pat kens.
Bit noo A ging briefly ilk year,
Tae veesit thon cauld lan A fear,
An faim'ly conneckit, 'sweel freens lang respeckit,
For a blether an 'het-toddy' cheer!

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