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Granda's 'Chucky-Stane'

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 4th March, 2007 to the music of
Brown, De Sylva, Henderson and Jolson's 1929 song, 'Little Pal'.

Fit like Jean oor 'Chucky-Stane' an ye?
A howp thit ye wull lat me bide-a-wee?
Bill-an-coo wi loon upoan ma knee,
Jist lik ma Jock his Daddy he'd him gie?
It's doolsome him been taen ow'r seen,
Tae kep tryst wi oor Laird fa rowles abeen.

Noo hearken Granda's chirm ma wee wean -
Please growe up lik yer Da, 'Chucky-Stane'.
A wint ye tae aet richt weel an sproot up rale strang
Tae tak tent yer Mither fan aa things they micht ging wrang.
A'll nae aye be here, 'Chucky-Stane',
Tae mak shair ye're guid, 'Chucky-Stane'.
Sae fan A've geen awa an aa, syne ye aye maun shaw
Ye bide stanch tae yer Mither, 'Chucky-Stane'.

Ye'll weel ken ma sang, bonnie chiel.
Fur years wull A prig side yer creel,
A'll wiss ye tak stracht gate an nae play the Deil,
Syne baith'rin yer Mither garr her greet ow'r ye as weel.
A'll nae aye be here, 'Chucky-Stane',
Tae mak shair ye're guid, 'Chucky-Stane'.
Sae fan A've geen awa an aa syne ye aye maun shaw
Ye are stanch tae yer Mither, 'Chucky-Stane'.

Ma hairt gings oot tae yer wee bairn an ye,
An gled am A ye lat me bide-a-wee.
Boonce loon up an doon upoan ma knee,
Jist lik ma sin Jock afore he did dee?
It's doolsome him been taen ow'r seen,
Bit we maun kep oor speerits hich aleen.

Ye'll weel ken ma sang, jo ma chiel.
Fur years wull A prig side bairn's creel,
Tae rede him tae tak stracht gate an nae play the Deil,
Syne baith'rin yer sel an garr ye greet ow'r him as weel.
A'll nae aye be here, bonnie quine,
Tae mak shair he's guid, bonnie quine.
Sae fan A've geen awa, A am howpin he aye maks
Ye prood wi the tent o' ye thit he taks.

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