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Lands of Dreams

Lyrics composed on 13th February, 2007 by John Henderson,
2nd Cousin, twice removed of Robina (Henderson) Cuthbert,
to an old song, 'But How She Lied To Me'.

Brief Musical Introduction

Scots' lives in their country's bare mountains and glens,
Cold lochs and streams, were drab it seems.
So in the late eighteen hundreds lots sailed from its shores
To America's lands of dreams.
They placed what they could in small trunks for the ship,
And blind trust in fate for that dangerous trip,
Where lots illness and wild high seas could take harsh toll on each,
Before New York town they just-might reach.

Their destinies lay over the ocean.
New dynasties we did then gain ...
Among them were many a Cuthbert et al,
Linked in with the Henderson name.
Twas James and Robina's brave efforts and toil,
In Watertown, North New York State,
That's allowing us today cousinships all round the world,
And blest-shares in re-unions so great.
Both'd placed what they could in small trunks on their ships,
And blind trust in fate for those dangerous trips,
Where no illness and foul weather took their harsh toll on each,
Before their new home they did reach.

Our blood kinship is thicker than water.
A sentiment I strongly endorse ....
To be savoured and valued until our lives' ends,
As given us for better, not worse.
Twas John and staunch Mary's researching for hours
By computer, and telephone,
That revealed to us all our blood links over the seas,
As kinship that each one can own.
Our kin placed what they could in small trunks for the ship,
And blind trust in fate for that dangerous trip,
Where illness and wild high seas took no harsh toll on each,
Before New York town they did reach.

Scots' lives in their poor country's bare mountain-sides with its thick wooded glens,
And all its iced lochs and its wild streams, were so-so dreich it seems.
So in the late eighteen hundreds lots sailed away from its battered, barren shores
To young America's promised lands of dreams.
They placed what they could in small trunks for the ship,
And blind trust in fate for that dangerous trip,
Where illness and wild high seas could take harsh toll on each,
Before New York town they might-just reach.

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