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Braw Beech Hedge

[Lyrics to midi music by Dominie John Henderson, St Cyrus, 1968-71]

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Claise sklentin by kirk's steeple prood,
Maist simmer's morns I myn,
Douce sinlicht tapp'd skilhoose nar,
Its waarmin aye tae rin,
Up tae thon broon pastures,
Wi dykes an gates an seg,
Fyles pirr-winnie sterts tae reshle,
Leaves o oor beech hedge.

Syne Autumn haars cam swirlin doon,
An mornin sin jist girns,
Frichtnin awa ony dowfy roon,
St Cyrus folks an fairms.
Bit fan November fetches,
Snell win oot o North-East,
The copper-beech weil clippit,
Leaves tummle, reshlin ceas'd.

Seen icy roads an brick-herd grun,
Cam veesit, times maun bide.
Snaa fa's deep its beer'yin plaid,
Syne raxin faur an wide.
Ainly wins oot o sou-west,
Wull mak this scunner shift.
Bit bairns an bare-hedge yammer on,
'Bide-a-wee, ye'r shair Gweed's gift.'

Fan Spring-time's gants awaukenin earth,
Snaa-drops keek aince mair,
Daffies they flicher an stacher tae staun,
Gowd trumpets sniff waarm air.
Bit oor beech hedge it dozes lang,
Aa its strength tae weil weer tae,
Aye muckle-growen's needit daen,
Fore freen mavis cams tae lay.

Aye sklentin by kirk's steeple prood,
Maist simmer's dawns I fin,
Caller sin kittlin skilhoose wa,
Its sheeninshair tae rin.
Up tae wauk aa wee sleepin sids,
Gaird'd wi dykes an seg.
Fyle pirr-winnie seen sterts tae banter,
Brenches o oor shorn beech hedge.

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