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Panoplies of Power

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 28th of December, 2006
to Dorothy Lee's tune for the song, 'One Fleeting Hour'.

Introductory Music

As far stars' twinkling lights pierced black skies last night,
And no moon blurred the panoply viewed,
These strange gems light years off made a marvelous sight
That enchantment and sheer awe imbued.

Then perhaps you too have thus been held for hours
By such astral action on high;
And these glowings we share, fuelled by yet hidden powers
Are but past times' new dawn drawing nigh.

As our star rises up in what we call East,
And no clouds mask morn's wide range of blues,
The whole spectrum of light spreads a colourful feast
From its menu of boundless hues.

Then perhaps if you too leave your bed at dawn,
With senses all keenly alive,
You'll hear blithe birds in full song bid all darkness begone,
As by sunlight all mortals revive.

Yes perhaps if you too leave your bed at dawn,
With senses all keenly alive,
You'll hear blithe birds in song bid all darkness begone,
As by sunlight all mortals revive.

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