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Cam Bide Amang the Hedder

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 15th December, 2006
to Ernie Burnett's 1912 music for 'Melancholy Baby',
played here by 'Perfessor' Bill Edwards in his own inimitable style.

Brief Introduction ...

Och braw jo troo,
Fit lik the noo?
Shairly a aye dinna weesh tae mak ye grue.
Fit hiv a deen?
Nae ring ye gien?
Bit a hiv a myn tae mak up fer thit seen.
Ma luv's aefaal,
Ma speeshal pal.
I'd dae aboot ony thing at ony oor...
Quine fan ye bid,
Jist as a shid,
Wi aa o ma hairt an aa strinth in ma poo'r.

Cam wi me tae bide amang the hedder.
Foryet ceeties an aa toons.
Ma hame in the kwintry's shair tae pleese ye,
Hoosie whaur we'll bide bien mony munes.
We wull win fit Mither Natur gies us,
Fyles wirk ilk day, delt ilk nicht!
Syne ma bonnie Flo,
Fa's ma yin an ainly jo,
Jist aathin in oor warl wull tirn oot richt.

Sax year oan we've hid twa teeps o Gweed's hearst;
Laids o tatties an ... fow'r loons!
Oor hame in the kwintry's shair been hale-some;
Feedles in sin, hicht jinks ooner munes!
We hiv airn'd fit the guid Gweed his gien us,
Fyles wirk'd ilka day, slep nichts.
Bit me. an ye, Flo,
Fa's aye been ma ainly jo,
Kent fit tae dae fan we pit oot the lichts!

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