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Trusty Poppy

Composed by John in 2004 and best sung to ‘The Old Piano Roll Blues’.

John Henderson & Struan McCallum of Jordanhill College, share a canoe on an Outward Bound Course
at Ardgartan, Loch Long, in July 1962.


“So not the Poppy this morn, says my good matey, forlorn,
That right fat canvas canoe.
We'll be deep down in her belly, just you and me,
Such long reach out with paddles to e'en dip in the sea.
She'll take us way far on down Loch Long for a spin.
Then on up Loch Goil, till back again.
We’ll splish and splosh making slow headway,
Disturbing any young basking sharks at play.
No fishing lines then will be, permitted out this day,
From that old canvas canoe.”

“Och the Poppy today, says me grumpily,
That so clumsy stable but most able tubby tank.
Elbows get right sore skinned and blisters they weep.
No peace at all, at all, at all, at all, relax o'er the deep.
So let’s get on our way, without further delay,
Aim to make Carrick Castle Hotel sometime today.
Let’s shove, right off, but, carefully too.
And in case we might just come to rue,
Your fishing there is definitely taboo.
From this old canvas canoe.”

Poppy must be the worst canoe there is.
Putting all her paddlers in a tizz.
She makes them want to curse her, or do something much 'worser'.
They want to say ‘oh skidaddle’, ditch their paddle.
A real uncomfortable old buddy.
Even much slower than a 'cuddy'.
Though it is not surprising, she’s not one for capsizing,
No not that clumsy canoe.

Yes she's the worst canoe there is.
Puts all her paddlers in a tizz.
She makes them want to curse her, or do something much 'worser'.
They want say ‘skidaddle’ and throw away their paddle.
A real uncomfortable old buddy.
Even much slower than a 'cuddy'.
Although it is not surprising, she’s not one for capsizing,
No not that clumsy canoe.

“Yes dear Poppy all day, I moaned wearily,
You’re still the most clumsy stable bitch known.
My elbows got sore skinned, blisters they peeled.
No peace to relax as onward we wheeled.
But we got on our way, with not o'er much delay,
To make Carrick Castle for lunch today,
You real uncomfortable old buddy,
E’en much slower than a 'cuddy',
Sure it's no great surprise, that you didn't capsize.
You gutsy old fat canoe."
"But a .. trusted … canoe!"

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