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Jine Me the Morn i Scotland

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 29th February, 2004,
to the tune for ‘Meet me Tonight in Dreamland.

Jine me the morn in Scotland,
Wi aa its reyn an snaa.
Weer yer auld kilt an bunnet,
Worsit scerf roon yer maw.
Cam wi strang hikin beets oan,
Fu redd tae reenge its braes.
Syne fan in Scotland,
Cauld, bonny Scotland,
We’ll wanner mony days.

Efter we’ve wauked loats bens' rigs,
Sypit richt throw we’ll be.
Bit lichtin bothy's ingle,
We’ll hiv het shallies o bree.
Syne we’ll be muckle waarmer,
Wa frae sherp sleet an reyn.
We’ll sang an blether,
Oot aa ull wither,
Thit cloods an welkin sen.

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