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A Haimmerin at Hawick

Lyrics composed by John in 2004 to a ragtime tune called, 'Southern'.

Thon geme at Hawick gaed oan-at a hunner’ mile an oor.
Oan Eichteenth Merch ‘61, an a wis playin there.
Nae quarter gien as baith-oor packs tirn’d hup-an-hup thur poo’er.
Baith sides fichtin fit an syne - a claisely focht affair.

Ma Jordanhill wur tryin sae hard tae match thon champee’n side.
‘Twas Merch o ‘61, an fest scores cert'nly wis oor need.
Syne scorchin Conn’ly try ley'd Gray nae onywhaur tae hide.
Ma conversion frae faur oot missin, bit weelcam three pint lead.

Thon sae doughty Greens,
Nivver ootrun.
Sae mony caps int team,
Coonted by the ton.
Seen focht baul an gat reward,
An teuk the lead afore tirn roon.
Second hauf they’d brish awa,
Aa frae Glesga’ toon.

Syne cam wee stramash,
A nivver wull foryet.
Ma fly-hack missin ba,
An cleekin King insteed.
Deep richt hup i his peer groin
Wis whaur it lichted sair.
Ollie Grant syne hefted me,
Bi ma sark-frint richt there.

The ref wis Doc McMahon an he wis nar aroon.
‘Noo Oliver,’ quoth he, ‘pit him doucely doon.
Fer meebe thon fell mistak wis jist nae meent ava,
An syne nae rizzon thit ye noo git ow'r wirk'd up an aa

Ticht geme doon at Hawick aye gaen-oan sae roch.
Late-int yaval-hauf, me aye oan feedle there.
Syne rubbin saut int saggar, faux-pas nae forgien,
A sleed ow'r fur a try an beet'd a penaal-ty seen.

Bit frae thit pynt oan, Greens they upt a gear,
Ruck’d splendid-lik – takin ba an ilk maan fair.
Three guid-tries cam fest tae pit them weel i the clear.
Sae Tweenty-sax tae neen - the feenal tally there.

Bit frae thit pynt oan, Greens they upt a gear,
Ruck’d splendid-lik – takin ba an ilk maan fair.
Three guid-tries cam fest tae pit them weel i the clear.
Sae Tweenty-sax tae neen - the feenal tally there.

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