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Lyrics composed nostalgically by former St Cyrus Dominie, John Henderson on 30th November, 2006
to Meyer's 1921 tune to "Tuck me to Sleep in My Old 'Tucky Home".


Prood St. Ceerus Kirkton stans abeen its saans.
Stey scaurs wi rowth flora pairt the sea frae lans,
Whaur braw airth is aye weel fairmed.
Rail rod whaur aince engeens stamed
Noo lang syne gaan.
Hoose biggers maun hae skaimed!


Aa kirktons chynge gin caas frae fordal soon,
Waely shawin nae respeck tae hoo auld fowks' herts stoon.
Fyle kirk's toopachin bides keps speerits kneef,
Some chiels dell, ithers they big, ackin ilk lik the Deevil's thief.
I aft mynd noo thon stey scaurs, thochts o them yit me shair thirls.
Aa its streetchin oot fite saans, yit fusper tae me,
"Cam maan, cam doon , barfit wauk ye-a-wee.
Syne they canna chynge byowty weel loo'd bi thee."

Repeat Chorus:

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