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Hungert Bairns

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 26th November, 2006
to Sterling, Grossman and Lange's 1917 song
'Cheer Up, The Sun Will Soon Be Shining'.

Dramatis Personnae - Dominie, Bairnies, Mither.

The dominie spaks,

"Ilka sprootin bairn fa's hungert,
Ilka sprootin bairn fa thrists,
Maun, git jeelied breed wi margerine,
An coos cweel-milk oonteel ilk narhan birsts.
Sae, maist ilka bairn fa's stamach's teem,
Shud sang lood an dinna be ow'r heem." ...

The bairns sang,

"Mammy, och!
Oor tummies aa are rummlin.
Forgie us gin we're grummlin.
Mammy pleese,
Oan oor knees,
We'd n'er spak nae lees.
Weel we ken,
Kitchie ben
Hisnae muckle mait syne.
Bit .. noo
Gaan gie's a sheave o breed, pleese,
Wi a scuff o margarine.
Jeely syne ...
Wi'oot it we wid nae be grummlin
Fan aa's said an deen."

The dominie speirs, efter ...

"Weel fit did yer mammy gie ye?
Did she hae breed i the hoose?
Anse did she tirn ye awa aye hungert,
An bid ye her nae ony mair tae roose?
Aalest ... Jim spak up fyles leukin pleest,
"Hearken noo tae fit oor Mam sang neest." ....

Mammy sang,

"Bairnies, ach!
Yer tummies aa are rummlin.
Forgie me gin ye're stervin.
Bairnies pleese,
Aff yer knees,
A ken thur wurnae lees.
Anse a ken,
Kitchie ben
His loats breed an chyse syne.
Sae .. noo
Gaan git a sheave o breed, pleese,
Wi a knyte o heilan chyse.
Jeely ... naw ...
Wi'oot it there wull be nae mair grummlin
Gin ilka ain is wyce!"

Every little girl who's lonely, every little girl who's sad,
Needs kind words of consola..tion just to cheer her up and make her glad.
So to every girl that's feeling blue, here's a message that is meant for you ....

Cheer up dear,
The sun will soon be shining.
Cheer up,
Although your heart is pining.
Don't you sigh.
Don't you cry,
When you say goodbye.
Smile out loud.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Cheer up,
And soon there'll be a rainbow
'Way up in the sky ... on high.
Cheer up.
The sun will soon be shining,
When the clouds roll by.

Every little girl that's waiting,
Every little lonesome boy,
Knows for every moment filled with sorrow there's another moment filled with joy.
Always think when you are feeling blue
Of the happiness in store for you.

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