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Sneddin Gress at Meiklewood Cricket Ground

Lyrics composed on 29th October, 2006 by John Henderson, Secretary and Groundsman, of Gargunnock Village Cricket Club from 1984 until 1998.

(This Lyrics is best sung to the midi 'Stand By Your Man')

Cricket wis sair upoan John's missus
Him awa tae clip feedle's lang gresses
Her bidin hoosie
Him oan the loosie
Sneddin wi his pom-pom oors oan en

Ai'n fyle she loo'd an oonersteed him
Him awa maist evens she fund sae grim
Grun tae be prood o
Weeds bein a no-no
Garr'd him tae wark oan jist mair an mair

Nicht oors an reyn
Ainly kep him frae feedle
Brocht eely claes tae waash fan
He stacher'd hame

Him tired an stairv'd
She quait banned oan his craivin
Bit kep douce sooch an sodger'd oan
Leal tae her maan John

Him tired an stairv'd
She quait banned oan his craivin
Bit kep douce sooch an sodger'd oan
Leal tae her Johnnie-maan

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