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[Woollen Cardigans With Pockets]

Lyrics re-composed by John Henderson on the 9th of September, 2913,
to Ernest Ball's 1920 music for the song, 'Saloon'.

Introductory Music ......

Aft I'm myndin fan we wur thegither,
A' the coontless doric wirds Aunt Neta spak;
She wud eese the likes o 'stechie', e'en mair kerious, 'kirseckie',
An' aft sich as thase nae heid nor tail I'd mak.
Sae she'd ging an' draa wird picturs o' them tae me,
An' I seen wud oonerstan' wi'oot mair speel;
Bit tae mak richt shair ma meesical Aunt Neta,
Wud seen croon a sang tae kenned teens affa weel ....

"Auld Stechie - he aye weert - kirseckies .... och ay!
Sich waarm - knitted waistcoats - wi' lang sleeves - syne an' a'.
Haen twa handy pooches - oan ilk side doon roon the frint
Far sax buttons wud haud ticht tae keep oot the cauld.
Ye maun ken Stechie's jynts hudnae 'neugh ile,
Sae he stacher'd maist affen a' the fyle.
Bit nae maitter slaa-like meevin', he thenked his wife fa hud gien,
Him sich guid Kirseckies, Kirseckies."

Aft I'm myndin fan we wur thegither,
A' the coontless doric wirds Aunt Neta spak;
She wud eese the likes o 'stechie', e'en mair kerious, 'kirseckie',
An' aft sich as thase nae heid nor tail I'd mak.
Sae she'd ging an' draa wird picturs o' them tae me,
An' I seen wud oonerstan wi'oot mair speel;
Bit tae mak richt shair ma meesical Aunt Neta,
Wud seen croon a sang tae kenned teens affa weel ....

"Like Stechie - yer Granda - weert kirseckies ... och ay!
They wur waarm - knitted waistcoats - wi lang sleeves - syne an' a'.
An' they hud twa - pooches nait - oan ilk side roon the frint,
Far sax buttons wud haud ticht tae shair-keep oot the cauld.
Noo yer granda wis nae short o' jynt ile,
An' ilk day'd stracht-like wauk mile efter mile,
Bit weel kenned aisy meevin', wud laist as Grandma'd him hud gien,
Sich bien-like, Kirseckies, Kirseckies."

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