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Clachan Families

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 6th July, 2006 to the 1943 song 'Together' by B.G. DeSylva, Lew Brown, and Ray Henderson

Short Introduction

Oor faither, oor mither,
Ivver thegither;
Thon's hoo it eest tae be.

Aye trowthfu, aye faithfu,
Luvin an tentin,
Freenly an neebourly tee.

They brocht us up, thegither.
Twa o thur ain, thegither.
Shaw'd us guid gate, thegither
Nivver stintin they wid gie,
Sae thit we maun bless'd be.

Fan we gaed aff an mairrit;
Farivver we hine syne bidit,
They luvinly,
Nae enterferinly,
Teuk tent mair o us, thegither.

They leernt loats bairns, thegither,
I' clachan schules, thegither.
Sang in the kirk, thegither.
Nivver wearyin tae spen,
Sich lang days wi'oot en.

Feefty-fower years, thegither.
Gien o thur aa, thegither.
Aye eidently,
Sairin unselfitly,
The guid aa Gweed's sowls, thegither.


Oor faither, oor mither,
Ivver thegither;
Thon's hoo it eest tae be.

Aye trowthfu, aye faithfu,
Luvin an tentin,
Freenly an neebourly tee.

They leernt loats bairns, thegither,
I' clachan schules, thegither.
Sang in the kirk, thegither.
Nivver wearyin tae spen,
Sich lang days wi'oot en.

Feefty-fower years, thegither.
Gien o thur aa, thegither.
Aye eidently,
Sairin unselfitly,
The guid aa Gweed's sowls, thegither.

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