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Och Lassie! Dinna Fash Yersel!

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 24th June, 2006 to Charles. R.McCarron & Carry Morgan's 1918 music to 'Oh! Helen'

Short Introduction

Niver iver fash yersel ow'r fit wa gless it mints tae shaw weel
Dooble chin aneth yer maw anse loats o wrunkles ower aa;
An dinna aiven baither gin yer lang taits are spraiklt roon
Wi fite amang broon bitties mintin dunt yer speerits doon,
Whilk ye maun fecht hale hairt'dly na-sayin sich-lik stoon.

We wiss, forbye, jist bide sichts for sair een.
Och ay, leuk braw aye keppin fit his been.
Foryettin thit byowty is nae the stang o trump,
Gin sich wi thon hiv maist thur harns a-sleepin in thur rump!

[Wirth expoondin aince mair .... shair!]

Niver iver fash yersel ow'r fit wa gless it mints tae shaw weel
Dooble chin aneth yer maw anse loats o wrunkles ower aa;
An dinna aiven baither gin yer lang taits are spraiklt roon
Wi fite amang broon bitties mintin dunt yer speerits doon,
Whilk ye maun fecht hale hairt'dly na-sayin sich-lik stoon.

We wiss, forbye, jist bide sichts for sair een.
Och ay, leuk braw aye keppin fit his been.
Foryettin thit byowties thon are nae the stang o trump,
Aft sich, hivin mynds, as dour as a glaikit cuddy's rump!

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