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Mature Will-Power

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 20th June, 2006, to 'Small talk', a Romanian folk tune of unknown originator.

Get up each morn without one thought that's forlorn,
Welcome the sunrise that comes with ev'ry dawn.
Though old bodies' aches and pains be ne'er far away,
Shrug off such ills to staunchly greet the newborn day.
Though for years on end your muscles were good and strong,
They now work feebly, so tell them, "Come along,
Ignore those twinges and help me on my way
To take lesser shares throughout the live long day.
Give me strength enough independent be
For the loss of that gift could end me."

Never ever once let every day's frustrations
Demoralise or numb sensations;
For this accelerates degeneration
Of what all value in creation.

Got up each morn without a sense of dismay,
Welcomed the sunrise, re-entered the fray.
Although earthly aches and pains remained close at hand,
You bore such ills to gamely make another stand.
Though for years your heart beat remained on song,
It got out of step, and was told , "Do come along,
Correct those wrong notes; conduct me on my way;
Harmonise my rhythms through the live long day.

Never ever have all every day's frustrations
Demoralised or numbed sensations.
You've neatly dodged incapacitation.
And delayed degeneration.

You've stayed well balanced, contributing still
With such great wisdom and amazing WILL!"

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