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Frae The Tap o' Ben Cleuch

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 21st May, 2006
to a tune compiled by Bandbox's novel software
that here has combined two tunes -
'Coming Round the Mountain' and 'Oh Susannah'.

Listen to the music here

Frae the hich o Ben Cleuch's tap, leuk Sooth-West an ye wull see,
A city fit's caa'd Stirling sae weil kent i history;
Her Castell oan the liftline, auld Brig sae stoot ablo,
Saff-croassin ow'r the bennin Forth wi her slaa-lik ebb an flow.

Gryte Monument tae Wallace shaws oot amang them aa,
Wi ow'rsicht o the causey faar slee Edward's men did fa.
Syne farrer doon the roddie, fell stanks o Bannockburn,
Haud the ghaists o' mair thon Sassenachs, fa Bruce birr'd tirn an rin.

Frae the hich o Ben Cleuch's tap, leuk faur East an ye sid see,
Dool inchie oan Loch Leven faar Mary hed tae bide-a-wee.
Syne farrer East tae Falkland, fyles fellin gruns o' Kings
Faar nae stag ava noo's grallach'd faar ilk teuk thur sae fattal dings.

Gryte Monument tae Wallace shaws oot amang them aa,
Wi ow'rsicht o the causey faar slee Edward's men did fa.
Syne farrer doon the roddie, fell stanks o Bannockburn,
Haud the ghaists o mair thon Sassenachs fa Bruce birr'd tirn an rin.

Frae the hich o Ben Cleuch's tap, leuk faur West an ye sid see,
A graun hull caa'd Ben Lomond i MacGregors' wil kwintry;
Faar nichtly wi the gloamin, sin dipp'd ahint its snoot,
Tae hod frae English sodgers, baul Rob Roy's clan aye raikin aboot.

Gryte Monument tae Wallace shaws oot amang them aa,
Wi ow'rsicht o' the causey faar slee Edward's men did fa.
Syne farrer doon the roddie, fell stanks o' Bannockburn,
Haud the ghaists o mair thon Sassenachs fa Bruce birr'd tirn an' rin.

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