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Ca Canny, Bide Canty!

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 8th May, 2006
to Closlow and Spier's 'One Summer Night'

Ca canny, ca canny, afore rinnin doon
Yer ain fowk, yer neebors, gin quine or loon.
Ging slawly, aye slawly, ap'nin yer moo,
Anse ye'll aft fin, scowfin, skites oan tae you.
Syne wycer, aye wycer, kep opeenions,
Saf i' yer heid stap miscaa'ins
Lik glaikit fules fa feerst doosh a hagg'rin stane
Oot frae gless hoose o' thur ain

Gin ye'd be lik tae pit yer kin's speerits doon,
Or gie yer neebors a glower or a froon.
Fa owthereesed sich yon illgatitness?
Becaise Gweed disnae wint unfarr'ntness.

Och! ... Naw! ... Thon's nae,
His weesh fit guid chiels shid aye dae.

Bide canty, bide couthy, aye tak tent
Yer ain fowk, yer neebors, an ithers kent.
Kep halesome, hairty, brichten the oors,
Spakin nae ull ivver, eese Gweed-gien pooers.
Weil kennin, weil kennin, fit wull fash,
An seen maun steer unnecessar stramash.
Lik fan yon fules ging feerst doosh a hagg'rin stane
Oot frae gless hoose o' thur ain.

Musical Interlude

Ca cann'ly, tak tent, afore faist pittin cheils doon
Yer ain fowk, yer neebors, fidder quine or a loon.
Ging slawly, be carefu, ap'nin yer moo,
Anse ye'll aft fin fell scowfin skites oan tae you.
Syne wycer, aye wycer, kep a' yer opeenions,
Saf i' yer heid tae stap a' ull-deen miscaa'ins.
Lik glaikit fules fa feerst doosh a hagg'rin stane
Oot o' waik gless hoose o' thur ain.

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