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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 25th February, 2006
to J.B.F. Wright's music for the song, 'Precious Memories'.

Smaachrie an' douce-lik,
Snooves back ma veesions.
Syne sich bide ma myn's-ee an' ma saal.
Lang oors they rist syne,
Sae ivver nar me,
Muckle easdom tae unfaal.

Winnerfu !
Mervelous !
Picturs syne weil mynded.
Hoo they're tappin oan ma saal.
I' the quaitness,
O the even,
Guid Gweed's gien veesions clair unfaal.

Luvin wis faither, an' luvin wis mither,
Sich guid spyacks, faithfu baith.
Thon sich graun fowk i' oor bairnheids,
Wi' unforyetable strang graith.

Winnerfu !
Mervelous !
Picturs syne weil mynded.
Hoo they're aye tappin, an' takin tent ma saal.
I' the quaitness,
O' the even.
Guid Gweed's gien veesions clair unfaal.

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