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In Hinnerson’s Shadow

[Based on the old Scots saying, 'As hard as Hinnerson's erse']

Lyrics composed by John Henderson to the 1918 tune for
'I Found the End of The Rainbow', from all the ideas for its verses
supplied about 'Jake' by his cousin Mark Henshaw in NY, USA.

Musical Introduction

Here is a song 'bout a pal of mine,
Who could take a teasing without a whine.

Ol’ Hinnerson’s rear-end was hard, so hard.
Twas ten times much harder than mere flint.
It wore out his 'breeks' as he walked or sat down,
For it followed him wherever he went.

Ol' Hinnerson went to live by the Med. a while
‘Neath the tropical sun out there so kind.
And when he'd made his way down to the beach and the sea,
His rear-end always followed on behind.

If Ol' Hinnerson stayed out late some nights,
When it was so hard to get back home in the dark.
Then he’d strike his rear-end with a sharp iron rod,
And light his way back by the spark.

Ol’ Hinnerson’s rear-end was hard, so hard.
Twas ten times much harder than mere flint.
It wore out his 'breeks' as he walked or sat down,
For it followed him wherever he went.

Brief Interlude

Ol’ Hinnerson’s kilt it was fire-proof, it was,
As you’ve guessed now it sure must have been.
For his wild-on-fire kilt round his flinty rear-end
Was the most awesome sight ever seen.

Ol’ Hinnerson’s rear-end was hard, so hard.
Twas ten times much harder than mere flint.
It wore out his 'breeks' as he walked or sat down,
For it followed him wherever he went.

Ol’ Hinnerson one June flew high o'er the pond
To see all cold Alaska’s wildest sights.
His rear-end now so famous, of course tagged along
To bask in the Northern Lights.

The liner he sailed on the northern seas
Fell foul to the grip of the ice.
But with Hinnerson’s rear-end cutting out a clean swathe,
The iced liner broke free in a trice.

Ol’ Hinnerson’s rear-end was hard, so hard.
Twas ten times much harder than mere flint.
It wore out his 'breeks' as he walked or sat down,
For it followed him wherever he went.

Hinnerson’s rear-end was hard, mighty hard,
But his heart was much softer always kind.
Lesser than he might have resented this song,
But I knew guid Ol’ Jake wouldn't mind.

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