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Teethin Tribbles

Lyrics composed by John in the early hours of 1st February, 2006, to the tune to 'Old Home Place'.


It's been fifty years seen a hid a ma ain teeth
An them peer-lik wi'oot ony doot
Frae Wardle War aetin weil shoart oan guid veetamins
Maist wur saft an aft streev'd wi'oot a cloot

Verse 1

Thase thit didnae ging ull an heeld oan tae thur roots
Aft gat crackit an sich needit dreel
Tae mak a bore affa clair tae tak fite cement repair
Thit wis sair an aft garred me greet as weil


It's been fifty years seen a hid a ma ain teeth
An them peer-lik wi'oot ony doot
Frae Wardle War aetin weil shoart oan guid veetamins
Maist wur saft an aft streev'd wi'oot a cloot

Verse 2

Syne it wisnae ow'r lang afore a goat a plate
Wi ain fause tooth stucken oot i frint
Bit the weers thit grupp'd oan ithers fauch'd them awa
Gien loats mair tribble naar them an ahint


It's been fifty years seen a hid a ma ain teeth
An them peer-lik wi'oot ony doot
Frae Wardle War aetin weil shoart oan guid veetamins
Maist wur saft an aft streev'd wi'oot a cloot

Verse 3

It wis afore a cam a maan a ma tap teeth wur poo'd
Fan loats gumbyles they naarly gurr'd me daft
Bit gien a fou tap-set o fausers e'en sheenin bricht
A fun fit a maist ait wis nedcess'ty saft


Ay's been fifty years seen a hid a ma ain teeth
An them peer-lik wi'oot ony doot
Frae Wardle War aetin weil shoart oan guid veetamins
Maist wur saft an aft streev'd wi'oot a cloot

Last Verse .... [eneugh!]

The en o ma tribbles a howp are gettin naar
Wi ainly twa guid rale teeth i a ma heid
Gin a cid wun redd o them a micht jist be graun
An guid fairies wull hiv wirk'd weil oan me indeed

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