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Twa Chiels

[Lyrics composed by John on the 18th January, 2006]

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Short Introduction

Kirk wis stannin seelent
I' the caaldrife evenin airs,
Fan Beadle an Tam Tamson cam,
Tae mak thur prayers.
Beadle teuk his ain steel,
Shair faur wyes doon the frint,
Tamson creepit int door,
Bit syne bided weil ahint.


The Beadle's Prayer ....

"Noo a'm ralely faithfu,
As Ye shairly ken?
Thenk Gweed thit a'm nae
Lik loats o ither men,
Wha nab, chait, brak laws,
An tak Yer name in vain.
Ma ainly thocht's tae ser Ye,
Wi a ma micht an mane.

A aye tak up the off'rin,
Wi Sunday morn tray.
A nivver miss a service,
Ye ken hoo weil a pray.
Ye ken a dinna gam'le,
A dinna sup (a loat!).
A hivna daff'd wi weemen ...
Nae syne a wis caught!

A ken the Bible's screevins,
An tirn ow'r fit they state,
Aboot 'predesteenaishun'
An the fowks fa fin guid gate.
Thenk Ye Gweed fer makin me,
Ain Yer chys-ed fyow;
Upricht pillar o Yer ain kirk,
Guid Christian throw an throw."


Tam Tamson's Prayer ....

Tam Tamson drapp'd his beld heid
An pray'd upon booed knee,
"Gweed a ask Yer mercy
Oan sich sinner me.
A ken's been a whilie,
Syne a veesited yer hoose;
Thon's fan a nabb'd the offerin,
Tae spen it oan the booze.

A've a waikness fer joogs o ale,
Wicket, Gweed a ken.
An fyles a gie an antrin sweer,
Stail orra hen.
An ither things a canna mynd,
Bit shair Ye'll ken them tee,
Forgie me ma mistaks ...
Pleese hae mercy Gweed oan me.

Fer the coorse things a dae,
An fit a dinna gie,
O Gweed a ask leenity
Tae sinner maan lik me.
A maun impruv haibits,
Bit syne thon'll be teuch.
Fan caa'd feenal accoont,
A'll howp a've deen eneugh."


Guid Gweed wis luikin doon,
Wi laachter i' his een,
Neest tirn'd tae Nick,
Fyle baith them humm'd wee teen,
Slaa teukit oot thur beukies,
Opeenions tae screeve doon.
Gweed chys'd trowfu Tamson,
An Nick, the Beadle loon.

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