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Naitur's Ca!

( A Mythical Tale about 18th Century Scotland)

Lyrics composed by John on Sunday, 27th November, 2005,
to the tune 'A Bonnet Trimmed with Blue'.

Maist the MacStoors wur reivin' chiels,
Stown-wyes an' sleekit nabb'd kye frae a'.
Syne teuk nae peety oan wham they strack,
An' wur nae respeckers o' the law.

Fan ithers' coos wur gettin' stoot,
They pilked them oot i' ains oar e'en twas.
Fest teuk them wa' hame tae gairded cleuchs,
Jist tae weil mait thur gutsy maws.

Bit ain thur days fan oan a jant,
They nabbed the laird's fite cankert bul.
Pit it afyles frae heifers sicht.
Heeld it redd sire wi' a wul.

Bit heid-bummer o' Heilan Watch,
He'd hid eneught an' bittie mair.
Sae telt his troop o' twal gheelies ging
An' wi' MacStoors tae dicht the flair.

Noo the gheelies kent MacStoor lans,
An' far the nabbit kye wid be girsst,
Syne waak'd them quaitly tae bul's lean-tee,
Naar close's stank tae slock thur thrist.

The gheelies kent bul's kneggum wid
Fesh moo-bannin frae the heifers seen,
An ain het wi wint o' naitur's ca,
Wid sik the bul lik lang lost freen.

Loats o' MacStoors cam breengin' oot,
Jist as the bul's jile wis apen'd hich.
Fan red kilts fest garr'd it sae gyte,
It rampaug'd a' MacStoors in sicht.

Till ain heifer's wae mooin' ca,
Tirn'd breet's kittle tae baul delicht,
Syne treetl'd far the gheelies lood treesh'd
Beasts doon roddie an' oot o' sicht!

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