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Ma Jo an' Me

Words composed by John Henderson on the 2nd of November, 2005,
to the tune, 'Don't Take Your Love From Me'.

Yon are sich wil hulls an' hich, bit they gie fowks leethe
Awa doon aneth maist abide, naar the River Teith.
Else by baul burns, as they roar lood, an' roch-hash ablo the Bens,
Faar frae taps the bird's ee vizz', shaws whaur the smeerless Forth it wen's.

Verse 1
An' nae fer me strathies' pleuchs, hyowe an' maw, saan, fell wideapen cauld sea.
Ma hert aye caa'd fer hulls an' quait wids, faar ma lass wid be.
Syne there we'd wauk, an' there we'd jaa, an' fun oor cosy hodden lea,
Seely ma jo and me.

Yon are sich wil hulls an' hich, bit they gie fowks some leethe
Awa doon aneth maist dae abide, naar the River Teith.
Else by baul burns, as they roar lood, an' roch-hash ablo the Bens,
Faar frae taps the bird's ee vizz', shaws whaur the smeerless Forth it wen's.

Verse 2
Bit nae fer her smert loons, a rich Laird oar Sir, fa tak len o' a miss.
She's bein' aye a guid lang heidit lass, she hauds aff sich as this.
Kent me her lad, her wid I wad, an' ma braw kimmer she wid be.
Syne mair than jo tae me

Yon are sich wil hulls an' hich, bit they gie fowks leethe
Awa doon aneth maist abide, naar the River o' Teith.
Else by baul burns, as they roar lood, an' roch-hash ablo the Bens,
Faar frae taps the bird's ee vizz', shaws whaur the smeerless Forth it wen's.

Verse 3
Noo we've twa wee chiels, they're twins, twa peas oot ain pod,
An' wi' baith i' airms she brichtly chirms, " Twa braw lads I here haud,
An' there's the Dad, I'm gled I wad, couthiest guidmaan there micht be,
Shair ainly jo fer me."

Shair ainly jo fer me

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