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Take 'That' !

[A lyrical adaptation of an old story by John in October, 2005, to the midi music of 'Some of These Days'.]

I know my husband, has lots of dislikes.
He sets high standards, it's so hard to please him .
Though I've toiled long to make him happy,
I've found that's not something, that is done for him at all with ease.
He doesn't like much, the meals I cook him.
Doesn't eat any sponge cakes I bake.
He says that all my scones, are much, much too dry,
And not like the ones his mother used to make.

It's true my husband, has lots of foibles.
He is so fussy, I can seldom please him.
And though I've worked for years on end to make him a little bit happier,
I've found that's not something that is done for him at all with ease.
I 've never 'perced' his coffee right,
Nor his tea as a fine brew.
The veg he says, "They're much too hard",
Thus he rarely dines on soup or stew,
But worst of all he says I don't mend any of his woolly socks,
In the special way that his mother used to do.

Still now my husband, gives lots of problems.
His wants are endless, it's so hard to please him.
And though I've slaved years to change his outlook,
I've found that's not something, that is done with him at all with ease.
No remedy .... till yesterday,
A bright idea, it formed and grew ...
So when he next complained I turned around and just WHACKED him ...
Just in the way I'm sure his mother used to do!

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