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Mair Nor a' Siller

[Words composed by John on 21st August, 2005 to the midi of Irving Berlin's tune, 'Blue Skies']

Mem'ries sherpen wi' days fleein' ayon ma pooers.
Eildit harns they weer-tee foryetin oors,
Fan ma fitsteps slaa taen back lang syne years,
Aye, brocht maistly sinshin' n'er affen dreepin' tears.

I myn ... graith o' ma bairnheid,
Faither an' mither i' the leed.
Ayewyes .. ilk day ilk nicht,
Makin' shair aathin' wis a' richt.

Leernin' fit i' life wis richt oar wrang.
Leernin' guid-lik haibits tae mak me strang.
Fer fan ma ain chiels they cam tae be,
Eese aye sich spyacks them saff dree.

Graun wyes, a' o' them wirth,
Mair nor a' siller, oan Gweed's airth.


I myn ... graith o' ma youthheid,
Dom'nies an' ellers i' the leed.
Ayewyes .. fidder wirk, oar play,
Makin' shair I kent fit tae dae.

Leernin' fit i' life wis richt oar wis wrang.
Leernin' guid haibits tae mak me strang.
Fer fan ma ain chiels they cam tae be,
Eese sich spyacks them saaf lang dree.

Graun wyes, a' o' them wirth,
Mair nor a' siller, oan Gweed's airth.
Mair nor a' o' weesh'd fer sae bricht spirklin' siller,
Aye the noo, oan oor Gweed's airth.

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