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Fower Shoart o' a Dizzen

[The wee mannie i' the pictur caused DDJ tae mak up this wee Lyrics oan 18th August, 2005, tae Perfessor Bill Edwards' veershun o' 'The Mechanic's Rag']

I weesh ... syne tae be a graun peannyst,
Fa can kirn oot fest meesic lik this nae baither ata', an' ata, an' ata, ata.
Bit hivin' ... ainly echt wee fingers,
I fun thit slicht shoartage maks ma tinklin' sae slaa, ow'r muckle slaa .

I howp syne tae be affa graun peannyst,
Fa can mak ye tap blythely oar dinse sae naitly aroon, an' aroon, an' aroon, aroon.
Bit I hiv jist goat echt wee fingers,
An' fun thit shoart o' ten staps yer binners as a' ye froon, syne dyst doon.

Gin I hid ten fingers 'steed o' fow'r shoart a dizzen,
Syne I micht cud tinkle the iv'ries as weil as this guid loon.
Gin I hid ten fingers 'steed o' fow'r shoart a dizzen,
Syne I micht cud tirn oot fest tunies thit nip wyes up an' doon.

Fit dae I dae tae impruv seetivation?
Ging tae physeeshun fer wee operation?
Jine twa mair digits oan tae ilk ma hans?
Anse git loats guid fairies tae waav wee magic waans?

I've lang weesh'd ... syne tae be graun peannyst,
Fa can kirn oot fest meesic lik this nae baither ata', an' ata, an' ata, ata.
Bit hivin' ... ainly echt wee fingers,
I fun thit slicht shoartage garr'd ma tinklin' sae slaa, ow'r muckle slaa.


Ain, twa, three, fow'r, five. sax, siven, echt, nine, ten ... bit nae eleeven,
Thon wyce physeeshun's din it, lood oot seen I'm cryin 'Gweed i' Heevin'!
Ain, twa, three, fow'r, five. sax, siven, echt, nine, ten ... bit nae eleeven,
Thon wyce physeeshun's din it, lood oot seen I'm cryin 'Gweed i' Heevin'!

Noo hivin' ten fingers 'steed o' fow'r faur shoart o' a dizzen,
I ain day wull tinkle the iv'ries as weil as an a' dis this guid loon.
Noo thit I've ten fingers 'steed o' fow'r faur shoart o' a dizzen,
I mebbe wull tirn oot fest tunies thit nip wyes up an' doon.

Ain, twa, three, fow'r, five. sax, siven, echt, nine, ten ... bit nae eleeven,
Thon wyce physeeshun's din it, lood oot seen I'm cryin 'Gweed i' Heevin'!

Noo I can lairn, tae be richt graun a peannyst,
Fa can kirn oot fest meesic nae, nae baither, ata', an' ata, ata.
Noo hivin' richtly fu' ten o' sich guid fingers,
I'll fun thit sich hinner-ens mak ma tinklin' sae braw, sae verra braw.

Aye noo I can lairn be graun peannyst,
Fa can kirn oot fest meesic nae, nae baither, ata', an' ata, an' ata, ata.
Noo hivin' richtly a' ten guid fingers,
I fun thit sich hinner-ens maks ma tinklin' sae braw, sae verra .....
Sae affa, affa, affa, affa, ... BRAW-BRAW!

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