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Waakrife i' Sma Oors

[Words composed for insomniacs by DDJ on the 16th of August, 2005, to Bob Mace's interpretation of the tune for the song, 'I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You'.]

Fan - yer -een - are - wacht, an' deef - sleep it steys faur aff,
Jist dinna lat sich pit ye, i' a flaff ... ye are syne aye saff.
Fer the deid o' nicht, syne aye gies braw oors o' quait,
Tae weil eese, fer yer foryettin' bygane ulls .... an' a'.


Tirn yer myn tae kith ithers; fit's fer them tae be deen.
Thon's fan ye fun luv is fit yer thochts sud weil gow ower.
An' sae dinna fash yersel, fan syne waakrife i' a' sma' oors.
Thon's praisent gaen ye wi' a' oor Gweed Almichty's luvin' pooers.
Thon's praisent wi' Gweed Almichty's luvin' pooers.

Riggin o' nicht, are guid oors fu' o' graith,
Gin ticht lippnin' tae yer ain, aye yer ain benmaist sel.
Tak tent aye fer kith ithers; fit's fer them tae be affen, an' fer ayewyes, an' aye ivver, deen.
Shair rist it cams nae ahin, an' sich are oors sae, sae fu' o loats o' graith,
Gin ticht lippnin' tae yer benmaist sel; tak tent aye fer a' yer kith ithers.

Fan yer een are wacht an' deef -sleep steys awa' wyes faur aff,
Jist dinna lat sich pit ye i' ony, ony, ony, ony kin o' flaff.
Fer the deid o' the nicht, syne aye gies braw oors o' vailyable quait,
Tae eese fer yer foryettin' bygane ulls; tirn yer myn tae kith ithers,
Daen a' fit's maun be weil deen ... thon's fan ye've fun rale luv.

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