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Cousins i' Fremmit Lans

[Cousins in Foreign Lands]

[Words composed by John Henderson on 1st August, 2005, to the midi 'novelty' tune, 'Hailstones' sequenced by an Australian, the late Edith Murn]

Syne fun' mony cousins i' America. ( found)
Neist fun' mair o' them i' Australia. (Next .... more....)
Noo I've fun' ithers oot i' Canada, (Now ...... others out ..... )
They've a' gat sherp-thristl'd Scottish bluid an' a'. (got ... sharp thistled ..... blood)
Fer there are Perth-Cuthberts naar by Rochester. ( ............ near ......)
Glesgae-Greshams wyes sou'west o' Perth. ( ....... away ....... )
Twis i' Manitoba, as weil i' Ontario, (It was .......... as well...)
I fun' fesh'd Stirlin' Kerrs. (....... raised as ...... )

I' America,
I' Australia an' a',
Bit ne'er foryetin' aboot Canada, (But ...... forgetting about ..... )
Thit's whaur sich kin thur strae did draa. (That's where such kin their straw did draw)
I' America,
I' Australia an' a',
Bit ne'er foryetin' aboot Canada,
Is whaur they rigg'd oot sta. ( ................. set out their stall)

Shair fun' mony cousins i' America.
Shair fun' mair o' them i' Australia.
Noo shair fun' ithers oot i' Canada,
Fa've a' gat weil-tairten'd Scottish bluid a'. (Who've got well tartanned ..... )
Shair there are Banks-Yankies doon i' Florida.
Glesgae-Fairfulls i' Victoria.
Ow'r i' Manitoba, as weil i' Ontario,
There be Rennies, Murrays, Kerrs.

Bluid it's aye, aye mair drumly, (Blood is thicker)
Nor jist clair cauld lik watter. (Than just clear cauld water)
Kith an' kin aye sae, sae freenly, ( ............ friendly )
Iv'ry mither sin an' dochter. (Every son and daughter)
Bluid it's aye, aye mair drumly,
Nor jist clair cauld lik watter.
Kith an' kin a' verra freenly, (........... very ....)
Ilk sin an' dochter. (Each ............. )

I' Uncle Sam's lan' America,
I' the Queen's lan' Australia,
An i' the 'entente-cordial' o' Canada,
Thit's whaur sich kin thur strae did draa.
Hi, stars and stripes o' America,
Wallaby'd Australia a',
Hi tae broon maple leaf o' Canada,
Nae thristle chys'd tae rigg thur sta. (No thistle chosen ......... )

Syne fun' mony cousins i' America.
Neist fun' mair o' them i' Australia.
Noo I've fun' ithers oot i' Canada.
They've a' gat sherp-thristl'd Scottish bluid an' a'.
An' they've gat Hendersons a' ow'r auld Scotia,
Dales an' Waiters a' roon Haggis wans, ( ........ ways )
Bit twis maist Rennie, Murray, Fairfull, Gresham, Kerr,
Gaed aff tae fremmit lans. (Went off to foreign lands)

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