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Dom'nie's Simmer Fairmin'

[Lyrics composed by Lyrics Dominie Jake on 24th July, 2005, to the midi 'I'm a little Blue for You', with fond memories of helping with the hay harvest in the 1970s at Brig o' Frew Farm, Kippen, Scotland]

Och aye,
I' a feedle hey, braw-lik Tim'thy hey
He wis sneddin' bouts i' tenty wye
Siccar pom-pom wis oan sang
As it dyst'd him richt alang
Farivver ticed wi kin' tae mak tirns oar stracht-gang
I' a feedle hey, gurrin' roon an' roon
Maan wis siccarly a seely loon
Sich fairmin' wis as guid
As jots dom'nie'd ivver hid
I' skweel far affen stack wi heids o' wid

Simmer oan fairm shair cams ull tae baet
Aye its stang o' the trump o' gate
Wins tee wi a' maist ither jot he's deen
Thit hidnae aa ae claith a sate

I' a feedle hey, braw-lik Tim'thy hey
He snedds bouts i' tenty wye
Siccar pom-pom is oan sang
As it dysts him richt alang
Farivver ticed wi kin' tae mak tirns oar stracht-gang
I' a feedle hey, gurrin' roon an' roon
Maan is siccarly a seely loon
Sich fairmin' is as guid
As jots dom'nie's ivver hid
I' skweel far affen stack wi heids o' wid

I' a feedle hey, braw-lik Tim'thy hey
He snedds bouts i' tenty wye
Siccar pom-pom is oan sang
As it dysts him richt alang
Farivver ticed wi kin' tae mak tirns oar stracht-gang
I' a feedle hey, gurrin' roon an' roon
Maan aye siccarly a seely loon
Sich fairmin' shair as guid
As jots dom'nie's ivver hid
I' skweel far affen stack wi heids o' wid

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