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Tae 'Taverna Caravelle' We'll Ging

[Lyrics composed by DDJ to the midi music of Gus Winkler's, 1913,
'Banana Peel Rag'.]

It was jist oor lick ain nicht laist wike,
Fan we gaed oot tae quaff an' aet,
We saa a Caravelle fan naar tae the frint,
Bit twisnae a boat oan gate,
Sae we stappit aff tae hiv a luik,
Gin it sair'd mait, fry an' guid ale,
An suin we wur sated upoan the brig,
An' bein' telt een's ainly wale!

"It is jist yer lick, the wyter gabb'd,
Cause we wull satisfee yer thrist.
Syne gie ye mait ye'll nivver foryet,
Gin be saary fry ye wiss."
Sae we fest greed, "Aye thon we'll hiv,
Gin it cams trowthfu caller oot."
An' shair as shair efter aetin' a' fry,
Ootcam wis ne'er in doot.

"Ye shid ging 'Taverna Caravelle',
An hiv fit they weil sair.
It's braw fit they sair up,
Ye'll lik aathin ye sup.
Aye ging alang tae the Caravelle,
An' syne ging mair an' mair.
The mait an' ale thit they ye'll gie,
Is stang o' trump ye'll gree."

It was jist oor lick ain nicht laist wike,
Fan we gaed oot tae quaff an' aet,
We saa a Caravelle fan naar tae the frint,
Bit twisnae a boat oan gate,
Sae we stappit aff tae hiv a luik,
Gin it sair'd mait, fry oar guid ale,
An suin we wur sated upoan the brig,
An' bein' telt een's ainly wale!


"Aye ye shid ging 'Taverna Caravelle',
An hiv a' fit they weil sair.
It's braw fit they'll sair up,
Ye'll lik aathin fit ye'll sup.
Aye ging 'Taverna Caravelle',
An' syne ging mair an mair.
The mait an' ale, they ye'll gie,
Is stang o' trump ye'll gree."

"Aye ye shid ging 'Taverna Caravelle',
An hiv a' fit they weil sair.
It's braw fit they'll sair up,
Ye'll lik aathin fit ye'll sup.
Aye ging 'Taverna Caravelle',
An' syne ging mair an mair.
The mait an' ale, they ye'll gie,
Is stang o' trump ye'll gree."

Pleast we stappit aff i' Caravelle,
Far it sair'd mait, fry an' guid ale,
An' fan we hid supp'd loats upoan the brig,
We'd loo'd weil een's ainly wale!
Pleast we stappit aff i' Caravelle,
Far it sair'd mait, fry an' guid ale,
An' fan we hid supp'd loats upoan the brig,
We'd loo'd weil een's ainly wale!

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