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Prood Stirlin' Ceety Noo!

[Words composed by John Henderson (formerly of Gargunnock and Stirling) on 18th July, 2005, to the music written by Walter Donaldson in 1919 for the song, 'Up-Stairs and Down']

Fit's maist haimelt plank oan the hale airth, oan thit there's aye fu'est agreement,
Thit brawest place is Stirlin', i' a' guid Gweed his sent,
Aye fan bein' wa frae yonner, ye mynd graun years weil spent.
She kens the wyes tae howf ye, farivver ye micht ging,
Weil kennin thit facks shair are cheils thit winna ivver ding.

Auld Stirlin' Toon! Braw Stirlin' Toon!
Saff-lik hame fer keengs an' queens, shair richt weil castell'd roon.
The rizzon fer this labbach, braig lood frae nicht tae noon,
Oor Stirlin' is prood-lik CEETY nooadays, nae jist a toon.

Aince Stirlin' Toon! Braw Stirlin' Toon!
Saaff-lik hame fer keengs an' queens, shair richt weil castell'd roon.
The rizzon fer this labbach, sae braig lood frae nicht tae noon,
Oor Stirlin' is prood-lik CEETY nooadays, nae jist a toon.

[Short Interlude]

River Forth slaw wimples; its roddies tak gyte tirns.
Its hulls micht be sair birns, bit syne they fesh fyow girns.
Folks syne canty, couthy, history's graith awaar.
The Wallace stauns aye gairdin' them gin ull-wull cams ow'r naar.

Wis aince Stirlin' Toon! Braw Stirlin' Toon!
Saff-lik hame fer keengs an' queens, shair richt weil castell'd roon.
The rizzon fer this labbach, braig lood frae nicht tae noon,
Oor Stirlin' is prood-lik CEETY nooadays, an' furrerdays, nae jist a toon ....
Aye ... Nae jist a toon.

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