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Luvely Fruit an' Veg.

Luvely Fruit an' Veg. ..... Lovely Fruit and Vegetables

[Lyrics composed on 3rd July, 2005, by DDJ to the midi music of Cole Porter's, 'De'lovely']

[Doric Verse]

Noo aet yer fruit, an' veg tae boot,
Syne be hale an' fere wi' oot ony doot,
Thon's sae disjistible, aye empooerin', shairly strinthinin'.

Ye'll unnerstaun Ma's rizzons be,
Advyce ye chaw thon reglar tee,
Stey condeeshun'd, weil cootenanc'd, ne'er aince corkit.

Swally aipples, an' spuds,
An' maist fruit an' veg scull huds.
Fan hearkenin' tae her wirds,
"Clivver loon, (lass) aet mair thon suin."

"Syne growe-up strappin', wi' luiks weil-faurt,
Tae conteena troo, nivver aince tae quat,
Veg. abune a', fruit tee oan caa.
Thon's disgistible, sae ayewyes wycelik,
Sae shair strinthinin', necessar,
Graun fer floorishin', are flageries."

[Paraphrased English Verse]

Now eat your fruit and veg as well.
Then stay right healthy we can foretell,
They're so digestible, yes empow'ring, surely strength'ning.

You'll understand Mum's reasons be,
Advice you chew those quite regularly,
Stay conditioned, well count'nanced, not constipated!

Swallow apples, potatoes,
And most fruit an' veg bowl holds.
When listening to her words,
"Clever lad ... eat more, and be glad."

"Then grow tall-and-broad, with looks well knit,
And hold to your beliefs, never think to quit.
Veg. among all, fruit too on call.
They're digestible, it shows such wisdom,
Improves necessary strengthening.
Great for flourishing, delicacies."

[Doric verse repeated]

Noo aet yer fruit, an' veg tae boot,
Syne be hale an' fere wi' oot ony doot,
Thon's sae disjistible, aye empooerin', shairly strinthinin'.

Ye'll unnerstaun Ma's rizzons be,
Advyce ye chaw thon reglar tee,
Stey condeeshun'd, weil cootenanc'd, ne'er aince corkit.

Swally aipples, an' spuds,
An' maist fruit an' veg scull huds.
Fan hearkenin' tae her wirds,
"Clivver loon, (lass) aet mair thon suin."

"Syne growe-up strappin', wi' luiks weil-faurt,
Tae conteena troo, nivver aince tae quat,
Veg. abune a', fruit tee oan caa.
Thon's disgistible, sae ayewyes wycelik,
Sae shair strinthinin', necessar,
Graun fer floorishin', are flageries."

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