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Never Say .... Nivver Agin

[Sing along to the accompanying midi music]
[Lyrics are in both doric and English .... here and there!]

Just recently I'd noticed, I'd been getting on,
Never being that old before.
I'd surely got to try, before I just might die,
Things up till now I had ignored.
I hadn't sniffed all of the flowers' blooms.
Lots of books I hadn't read.
Some places never sampled, many roads not trampled.
Wild kites ne'er flown o'erhead,

Some shops had never seen,
The colour of my money.
I'd frowned at jokes,
Though some were funny.
Missed so much action,
Avoided cities,
Fun of live theatre,
All dreadful pities, such, such, such pities.
I hadn't gone sea-swimming ....
Felt fresh spray in face ...not of course.
Sat in rural church for once.
Thanked God for grace.
Ev'ry morn I did not have,
Lots butter on my toast.
Made forgotten trunk calls,
To folks I loved most.

I wint noo soom sea agin.
Caller splatches i' face ... siccarly,
Rist i' veelage kirk aince mair.
Thenk Gweed fer grace,
I' morns ma toast wull aye hae,
Loats butter happ'd tae ma taste.
I'll scrieve foryeten letters,
Tae fowks luv'd maist.
Sim shoaps wull shairly see,
The spirkle o' ma siller.
I'll lauch tae loats mair bars,
Seein' thur bein funnier
Gae aft tae thrang ack.
Bide mony ceeties.
An' live wi' braiv'ty.
Nae dreedfu' peeties, nae, nae peeties.


Syne laist month I'd cam awaar, I wis eildin faist.
Nivver feelin' sae auld afore,
I'd shairly goat tae mint, lang afore I dee'd.
Dunts oontill noo I'd laved o'er.
I hidnae snowk'd a' o' the flooers shair.
Loats buiks hid n'er read weil deed.
Sim plankies nivver stilpit, an' sim rodds nae waukit.
Wil kites n'er fleed ow'rheid.

Sim shoaps hid nivver seen,
The spirkle o' ma siller.
Aft froon'd tae bars,
Weesh'd thur bein funnier
Keepit 'wa frae thrang ack.
Bidin' 'wa a' ceeties.
An' lived i' braiv'ty.
A' dreedfu' peeties, sich, sich sich peeties.

I'd wished to swim the sea again.
Fresh spray in my face ... of course,
Sit in rural church once more,
Thank God for grace.
I'll tell you, the honest truth,
Since doing what I said,
I've taken lots, lots more chances,
As hours have fled.

[Words composed by DDJ in June, 2005]

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