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Twa Swalls!

[Lyrics by Grand-Dad Lyrics Dominie Jake about his Grandchildren]
(Best sung to 'Yes Sir That's My Baby')

Short Introduction

Fa's thon laddie splewin' oot?
He's ain fa's bunnet luiks sae cute.
Fa's the lassie wi' the gowpy oot e'en?
She's ain fa's flachty snod-aboot.
Seems kaim'd weil wi richt guid sheen .......
Smerter chiels ye've nivver seen.
Ye micht jist gree thit baith are gleg an feen .... aye, sae verra feen.

Aye-aye, twa loo'd bairnies; nae-nae, nae-a doot 'boot it.
Aye-aye, clairly twa braw chiels.
Aye-aye, Mams' opeenions, aye, aye, fit thur meanin',
Shair as shair, they're twa bonniest chiels.
Syne they'll brag, .... lang they'll craw,
Till a 'the coos cam hameward, lood blaw an' blaw an' blaw an' blaw......
They're swalls, they're nae scunners, raither, they're jist wunners,
Shair, shair, there'r nae feener bairns.

Aye-aye-aye, twa loo'd bairnies; nae-nae-nae, nae-a doot 'boot it.
Aye-aye-aye they're clairly twa braw chiels.
Aye-aye-aye, Dads' opeenions, aye-aye-aye, fit thur meanin',
Shair as shair, shair they're twa bonniest chiels.
Syne they'll brag ... lang they'll craw,
Till a 'the coos cam hameward lood blaw an' blaw an' blaw an' blaw ......
They are swalls, they're nae scunners, raither, aye they're jist wunners,
Shair as shair, there are nae feener bairns.

Aye-aye-aye, twa loo'd bairnies; nae-nae-nae, nae doot aboot it.
Aye-aye-aye they're clair twa braw chiels.
Aye-aye-aye, Grans' opeenions, aye-aye-aye, fit thur meanin',
Shair as shair, they're are twa bonniest chiels.
Syne they'll brag .... lang they'll craw,
Till a 'the coos cam hameward lood blaw an' blaw an' blaw an' blaw ......
They are swalls, they're nae scunners, raither, they're jist wunners,
Shair as shair, there are nae feener bairns.

Fa's the ains tae brag aboot,
Ains fowks canna dae wi'oot,
Fan its freezin, birs'lin, noon or nicht.
They jist kep a' herts sae bricht,
Speerits hich, a' is licht, a' wardle hivin-lik aricht,
E'en fan wee pink hurdies need a dicht!

Aye-aye, twa loo'd bairnies; nae-nae, nae-a doot 'boot it.
Aye-aye, they're clairly twa braw chiels.
Aye-aye, Gramps' opeenions, aye, aye, fit thur meanin',
Shair as shair, they're twa bonniest chiels.
Syne they'll brag, .... lang they'll craw,
Till a 'the coos cam hameward lood blaw an' blaw an' blaw an' blaw......
They're swalls, they're nae scunners, raither, they're jist wunners,
Shair, shair, there'r nae feener bairns.

Och aye ....
Aye aye ....
Fidder weet oar jist narly, nar dry ....
Naewhaur ye'll fin sich guid, sae loo'd chiels ....
Aye, Och Aye ...
Naewhaur fin ony feener bairns!

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